City of Grand Rapids Eastside Trunk Sewer Relocation
Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids
Sewer Relocation Paves the Way to Urban Renewal
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Project Details
The length of the abandoned sewer totals 2,200 feet and is an 11.25-foot-tall by 12-foot-wide cast-in-place structure built in the 1890s.
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The City of Grand Rapids engaged our team and another local firm as consulting engineers to complete a design for the City of Grand Rapids Engineering Department in the Spring of 2020 during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the timing complicated meetings needed to complete this complex project, the parties adapted to the online environment and kept design moving forward.
The project objective was to move a mainline sewer from its current location, bisecting properties fronting the Grand River from Fulton Street to Wealthy Street, into the Market Avenue right-of-way. This undertaking allows for future redevelopment of the burdened parcels and puts the sewer in the city-owned right-of-way. The length of the abandoned sewer totals 2,200 feet and is an 11.25-foot-tall by 12-foot-wide cast-in-place structure built in the 1890s. The sewer constructed in Market Avenue to relocate this main is a 96-inch diameter precast concrete sewer totaling 2,450 feet.