Donald Green Recognized by U.S. Green Building Council Carolinas for Community Impact
Senior Project Manager Donald Green was recognized at the US Green Building Council (USGBC) Carolinas Green Gala Leadership and Community Awards on October 26 with the 2023 Community Impact Award for his work in sustainable design and advocacy. According to the USGBC’s website, the awards “celebrate excellence from projects, people, and partners that are working to create better buildings and better lives for all in their local community.”
This award recognizes Donald as a leader and expert in sustainable architecture who is committed to combatting climate change through the built environment. He is joining a group of distinguished honorees from years past and we applaud his contributions to Charlotte’s design community and his work towards a greener future for the next generation.

“I am deeply honored to receive this award. There are many amazing organizations in Charlotte and the Carolinas that have afforded me the opportunity to make a positive contribution in our efforts to combat the effects of climate change,” said Donald. “We have an urgent need to rest the degradation of our ecological systems and I would issue a call to action: find your inspiration, get involved, and make a difference.”
Donald has fostered crucial partnerships and coalitions with like-minded people and organizations throughout Charlotte, NC, advancing the USGBC and architectural professionals as problem-solvers and leaders in the sustainability effort. He has been a major contributor to building Charlotte’s circular economy, acting as the project manager on Envision Charlotte’s “Innovation Barn,” which was recently featured in Newsweek’s article on cities “Leading the Way to a Greener World.” He is also the project manager for the new Sullenberger Aviation Museum, which is part of the Duke Energy Design Assistance program so all buildings have been modeled with overall energy efficiency in mind.
Some of his most notable achievements include working to implement the City of Charlotte’s new Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP), and most recently leading the Buildings Working Group to aid the City’s Office of Sustainability in the development of the “Power Down the Crown” webpage. These efforts garnered recognition by the City of Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles for his service.
Most recently, Donald holds leadership positions with numerous organizations, and his passion and dedication were honored by Sustain Charlotte with the 2018 Inspiring Individual Award for his outstanding leadership, and also by AIA Charlotte’s 2021 S. Scott Ferebee Award – Service to the Sector for Leadership in Sustainable Design.
"We are delighted to celebrate Donald's recognition by the USGBC Carolinas," said Director of Design Bryan Koehn. "Donald provides invaluable expertise in sustainable design, both to our clients and internally through training and mentorship. As a co-chair of the firm's sustainability green team, Donald has been instrumental in developing our sustainability action plan, advancing resilient planning, and integrating the AIA's framework for design excellence into our project flow."
As co-chair of AIA Charlotte’s Committee on the Environment, Donald helped lead the effort for AIA Charlotte to adopt AIA’s Climate Action Resolution in 2021. In addition, he helped lead the formation of the AIA Charlotte 2030 FORUM held quarterly, where design firms share their journey to adoption and implementation of the AIA 2030 Challenge.