Turner Avenue Resurfacing and Bike Lane
Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids
New Bike Lane Builds City Connections
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Project Details
The Turner Avenue bike lane is an expression of a generational shift towards sustainable urban design and connected infrastructure within the City of Grand Rapids.
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With funding from a combination of sources including the City of Grand Rapids Vital Streets program (a voter-approved income tax for road and sidewalk projects), a federal Surface Transportation Program, and a Carbon Reduction Program. The Turner Avenue resurfacing project represents a major bike infrastructure upgrade and investment for Grand Rapids. This transformative project replaced an over-sized 3-lane, one way roadway with a new, one-lane roadway with a separated, two-way cycle track that spans 1.2 miles from Richmond Ave. to 4th Street. The project also increased greenspace to mitigate stormwater runoff, provided more nature to bring life to a once bare urban corridor, and introduced the first bicycle stop light system in the city.
The Turner Avenue bike lane is an expression of a generational shift towards sustainable urban design and connected infrastructure within the City of Grand Rapids. The bike lane will eventually connect with the Amway Soccer Stadium being developed just down the road, and to the planned, and existing, larger network of cycling facilities across Grand Rapids, encouraging event traffic to consider alternate methods of transportation. The project was completed in 2023 and was recognized as one of The Best New U.S. Bike Lanes of 2023 by PeopleForBikes Coalition.