Dane Stivers


Senior Electrical Engineer


  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bradley University


  • Licensed Engineer


  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bradley University


  • Licensed Engineer

Dane brings over 20 years of experience and leadership in multi-discipline project management, team building, and market sector development. He is responsible for support and mentorship of engineering teams, client relationship development, managing complex projects, and strategic advancement of the firm’s health and wellness and industrial practices in North Carolina.

Dane has led global engineering initiatives, created and grown multi-disciplined teams focusing on industrial and manufacturing projects, and successfully managed small and large projects across virtually all industries.

He leads with an intentionally collaborative, continuously improving team approach that engages individuals’ strengths while enabling areas of growth. This approach encourages impact and creativity, resulting in performance based designs.

“No two projects are the same, but the vison held by both client and designer for project outcomes should be,” says Dane. “Intentionality in listening, then doing, within each project is vital for shared visions and successful outcomes.”

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